Why do you pick your username?

As the forum is relatively active now, I kinda curious why players pick their usernames… Just call it preparation for another short story :wink:

I used to watch Jacksepticeye a lot on yt when I was younger so I really like the name Jack, so when I was thinking of a name for a second account to evade my ban in Te, I searched gg “Cool nickname for Jack”, JackyWack was one of the first thing I found then I chose it. And for the “_” at the end its my ****, jk it prem :v

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I am the only one in my family who is not married and still single until this day living alone :moyai: that’s why my name is Last, the Cube is just a box that I am comfortable in, or you could say I am comfortable with this condition :u


Looks more male i guess, or you prefer the old name xTanikoYumi? :>

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But whats the origin of that name? There are a lot of other Japanese sounding names?

Its rhymes too… Makes sense :grinning:

Thats creative :+1: No worry single too here :slightly_smiling_face:

Initially HotLava02 was gonna be an alt for my old name and it sorta came from a random idea that had to do with FloorIsLava back on TE

“Hot” just to make the name longer and to be redundant I guess, and 02 was a mistake because I intended for it to be 03 according to the month I was born at (march) but I ended up confusing it for 02 because it’s at the 2nd of march (yeah I’m stupid)

Anyway HotLava02 had an epic skin (the initial variation of my current one) so I turned it into my main, and once I wanted premium, I got HotLava03, which is the fixed version and my own account.

I remember how much I trolled people who knew me as my old name after I created the account, including @Pixel_Love lmao, fun times

Anyway HotLava02 was actually registered on Mythic as my previous name and is one of the oldest registered accounts on Mythic in November 2018 :skull:


Amazing backstory… How about HotLava01? Or Just HotLava? Have u used it?

Other than in jokes not really but actually when testing the FIL plugin in my own test servers to try having like 6 players I made HotLava04, HotLava05, etc

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lava’s name is soo good people had to copy him…

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Alterego lol

My Name speaks for itself :stuck_out_tongue: nah I‘m just kidding… I just love mc and Play it all the time so I am nearly a Master in things like redstone. Short advertisement at this Point: All Redstone stuff I know was told me by TheJoCraft, a German YouTuber, Twitch Streamer and for sure redstoner. He has a few Videos in english too but not that much. https://youtube.com/thejocraft

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welp mine is funny I got into tlauncher but when it came to choose a name I thong I could change it back along the way so I said I ma right allo at first then say that that name is already in use so I added an x so the username allox was born and then I changed it to .allox. (no dotes cuz if I didn’t add dotes it would look like this allox) so ya that’s the funny story of my username

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The new one sounds more japanese, and not male I think (to TatsuyaEnkou

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I presume the player banned for evading… But what if a new player genuinely use that name? Is that allowed? Technically its not impersonation staff just parodying their names…?

I really liked my former username Dracu but it was too common so I just picked a new name from what I am reading from the time which is “Tower of God” and just changed one letter.

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i asked my dad for java edition around my birthday in 2013 and he sat down infront of the dusty old family lenovo and got to work

instead of actually buying the game he torrented the titan launcher (cuz its free) and setup my username as a misspelled version of part of my chinese name followed by my birth year

i finally got a new laptop (on a birthday again) and decided i might as well drop a 20 on a premium minecraft account and i just kept the name cuz it was open


settled with my name after ages of thinking of a name for my premium account, meaning 16th of June, a birth date of someone I really liked

somehow it ended up being really similar to homen’s name, 5 letters and 2 numbers in the name, starting with the letter H and ending with 6
and we both joined the same team in that build battle in the past, both got into trainee building bla bla bla, coincidence??