Why do you pick your username?

I feel a touch of destiny

In 2017 ( I think ? It was some time before TE collapsed ) when I opened a Minecraft account for TE, I just wanted a short and commonly known username. I was a mechanic (or rather, an apprentice of a mechanic) back then and had a ton of interest for cars (still do but not as much), Toyota being my favorite just because it being so easy to work on… So VVTI was born, but actually it is VVT-I , I make that distinction wherever possible…

And well, my account is also a veteran, registered at 28/11, 2018 :stuck_out_tongue:


when i was younger i was looking at really cool skins and found one named Iyaki with a chicken skin, unfortuantly its changed overtime and the skin is now a random woman :/

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Jk. Mary was a character name I was writing back in middle school and the Miracle part was because it rhymes. In Te tho I’m was running around as Sofia (something else but forgot the rest of the username)

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My name is organic because im Organic D: ,the Boy4 is im a boy and 4 is my age when i crashed my dads pc,welp thats all

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Idk what staff would think about that…

How‘d you crash your dad‘s pc when you were 4yo???

Damn… why didn‘t he go with ColdWater30? Would have been funny tho to see:

[BAN] HotLava03 banned ColdWater30. Reason: realy?
=the_lord_of_sun. Duration: Forever!

Wohle have been realy funny tho :stuck_out_tongue:

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ermm…i was swinging my baseball bat in the air and accidently threw it to my dads pc :p

What the…

His poor pc!
