still impossible
Head retrieved succesfully
drink water peeps
Nice good work!
Thanks Again
how are we almost at 1k replies already :o this is going so fast
Ain for 10k!!! Wohooo
That will be hard… but ig its doable
10k would be more than the rest of the forum combined
Didn’t even know this existed
we’re close to 1k replies, Drink water ya’ll
It’s funny you say that now, because I was researching for a trinket and just discovered that not drinking enough water can speed up aging :P
who would have guessed that if you don’t take care of yourself you die faster.
Let’s do it then lol
drinks less water
Eat more fruit and veggie
drinks less water
you should create a trinket about that, named “Fresh water” uwu
Would be an honor to be the main distributor too hehehe
Drink water
And whats the effect?