The 12 hour reply game (reply for $1,000,000.00)

It’s time to bring back an old favorite from TE.

For those unfamiliar with the reply game, it’s basically a game to see who replies last and that person wins a prize. Simply reply without someone else replying for 12 hours and you win $1,000,000.00.

If i find you collaborating with other players to end the game and split the prize I will not give you the prize and the game will continue. Play fair.

You must also make actual replies. Have nice conversations :3



sounds fun

it definitely is and i swear if it ends in a week i will be unhappy

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We’ll make sure it doesn’t then!

Could end in a day or in a year who knows? :stuck_out_tongue:

imagine getting a winner before v3

V3 is soon, lets hurry up and win

Unlikely to happen

And it’s kinda ironic that @TatsuyaEnkou just came back being they’re the one who hosted the 10 hour reply game in TE :pikalul:

Wheres @royalcat with the legendary 8 hour reply game

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Huh, I missed this forum game

Honestly wishing 48hours/day

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So, did I… Good times :3
Thats why I brought it back

Did I mention this event is sponsored by:

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Off to final projects with me now, have fun guys xP

Looks like either I will win or no one will :slight_smile:

I’ll make sure no one will win

Sounds like a plan :slight_smile:

No matter how sad my life is, if you invite me to buy ice cream… just lets gas😋

Sounds like a fun contest good luck everyone

For those who haven’t seen it, you should see my leaks:

Mythic v3 leaks:
TE v4 leaks:

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