The 12 hour reply game (reply for $1,000,000.00)

Oh I think I passed that one… (With tremendous suffering). Also the one with flowing water and cobweb… Now thats pure evil. 1 floor feels like an hour wasted.

Thats amazing

go’s on the 500+ reply’s

this will take a year or two

I was so god dam close before xD

You could thank my alarm for that lol

I do not thank it i despise

skill issue

1 Like

Your face is a dam skill issue


I agree … No need to go physical

Who said i was talking about there physical face

Explain then what u mean by face?

English is not my first language

after who know countless of toxic argument online ive realized continuing this conv it might get heated, we are a smol community so lets not create unwanted “rivalries”
anyways lets discuss how to win 1mil from 32294 :smiling_imp:

Easy: wait for me to stop guarding the tread lol

I will ban you if you do.

it was serious when she said this game probably won’t end

so we are jus trapped in here forever

Welp thats it guys… Lol. With numbs also here basically both of us will cancel each other every 10 hours… No use trying

You have stock for 1 year and you still want to buy? I usually only have for 1 week max lol