Basically I want a walkthrough of the nmaze from the winner to guide me. I want to see the hell but not suffer in it lol
bro thinks hes dante
True… But remember … This is nmaze… Maybe its not 9 layer but 999 layers
Why have 999 lays when 1 layer is enough
Ball of u to assume someone can would want to go through all of it again after winning
people are trying to win it atm xD
what a useless attempt XD
With proper price I would think they would want to do it.
Because more layer = more compact and doesn’t waste space (and you could torture people by making them fall back to start XD )
There used to be hellish maze too in TE and I remember there are traps that make u fall back down to lower level
The tower of power
hehehe i def didn’t make a floor in those at all nope not at all…
I did and I regretted entering it… Luckily it became the inspiration for my contest winning story
I did the lava floor with the soul sand maze and parkour jump at the ned of you failed it sent you back to level 1 xD
god i remember exploring it and i didnt even get to the part with parkour
having barrier blocks inside the lava to stop trying to cheat through the maze was also very fun to watch >:D
Anyone got teamextreme forums ban appeal link? I wanna go back to read my own ban appeal lol
Drink water peeps, just a reminder
lol goodluck
hmm good rewards but dont worth the suffer