And then that someone turns out to be 2pie there for asking 2pie to unban himself
Yeah thats it. I get the point
yeah, we have a couple good posts here… but TE had a lot more good posts…
Mythic dosn’t have an active ghoof to terriorise its population
We need more player to make ban appeal more lively… You guys (staff) are too good at banning them… Let them break havoc a bit before banning them so we have interesting stories lol
Speaking of Ghoof is he still playing in Mythic or only in TE?
I’m always tempted to become one, but I’m held back because I’m a nice guy
I don’t think he has ever logged into Mythic so no
I think I’ve seen him at least once ingame, could be long ago
Nya~ Water~
ghoof the actual person as far as i know has never
So thats fake ghoof?
So the in game name “Ghoof” was banned as the real ghoof never logged into Mythic with that name he altho dose now use the name “Fiensonix”
Player info for Fiensonix
Last logged in 25 months 14 days 6 hours 57 minutes 58 seconds ago on 2022-11-12, 02:51:47 AM.
Oh wow… Why change such legendary name… I don’t even dare to change my IGN… Seems like losing a part of myself
I mean its not really his name it was more disneys if anything
Well thats true … But I also remember there was a rule not to use TE staff name unless you are that person yourself
damit it all it was so close to being 12 hours -.-
to nmaze with you for being hopefully the game could end.
I am saying I am the guardian of this tread lol. I have alarm every about 10 hours so goodluck to anyone. I will leave my guard post after 6 months.
Is it legal if I reward the winner of nmaze just to tour around the maze (basically I want the nmaze experience without the stress)?
Because IRL work will take most of my time, I don’t think I could compete with younger players lol