Illegal Client Mods- Console- fatih371

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In-game name: fatih371
Discord ID: -
Ban Reason: Illegal Client Mods
Plead: guilyt
Reason for pleading: Ignorance and regret
Apology: Hi! My old in-game name fatih371 account has been banned due to illegal modification. sorry my english is not good i use translation. I wasn’t aware of the rules. A player warned me and told me to write it down. My new account is fatih37 and I want to continue playing on this account. I also made a mob farm working with a redstone clock, the player warned me and I burned everything I got, and the player witnessed this. thanks


Just to be sure, do you understand console banned you for illegal client modifications (hacks) and not the mob farm. Both of these are illegal, and it’s good you admitted to the mob farm even knowing it’s unrelated to the ban message.

To start, please re-read the all of the rules and reply with all the ones you have broken.

None other than the clockwork mob farm, the player informed me and explained the rules to me in my own language, I understood the rules and I will follow them. thanks for your interest

the player informed me and explained the rules to me in my own language, I understood the rules and I will follow them.

You were just online on “fatih37”, you’re still banned on fatih371, thats called ban evading and creating multiple accounts, rules state that you’re only allowed to have 1 account, you need to reread the rules
again because I don’t think you understand them completely Server and Forums Rules - Info and Announcements - MythicMC Forums and wait for your appeal to be dealt with.
Do not create any more accounts.

I have read and understood the rules. Because my English is bad, I entered the server without reading the rules and I did not know. When the player warned me, I removed all the systems I made and the replay mode I was using. I promise that the same mistakes will not happen again, thank you for your attention

Are you sure this is the story you want to stick with? Are you just going to completely ignore Lexply’s statement that you were ban evading.

If by replay mode you mean the replay mod, that is also not allowed. Which if you actually properly read the rules, mind telling me why it isn’t allow?

The replay mod is something the anticheat would have banned for, and if you did actually remove it as you say, then you wouldn’t have gotten banned. Now, why should I believe you removed it?

As I said, I entered the server without reading the rules, when the account I played (fatih371) was banned, I opened a new account. The player stated that I would be banned again if I did not indicate that I was playing with a new account, but he did not say anything about not playing on my second account. After reading the form through translation, I understood all the rules. I deleted the repeat mode from my computer so that I would not use it again, now I only use optifine. Replay mode is forbidden because it shows the inside of the cave and this is unfair competition. I apologize for my previous answer. I write using Google translation.

Bu mesaj bir arkadaşımızın yardımıyla senin diline çevrildi. (This post has been translated into your language by the help of one of our friends.)

Anlamanı istediğimiz şey şu, olayın en başında replay mod olarak tarif ettiğin hack’i yapmaman gerekiyordu. İkincisi ve EN ÖNEMLİSİ ise banlandığında yeni hesap açarak oynamaya devam EDEMEZSİN(bu sana ban evading diye açıkladığımız şey ve bu yasaktır). İlk hesabın banlandıktan sonra o hesabın için ban appeal dediğimiz yolla banına itiraz etmen gerekiyordu, ikinci hesap açıp onda oynamaya devam etmek hiçbir zaman çözüm değildir. Çünkü o hesap da banlanır ve önceki hesap ve hesaplarında yaptığın şeylerden de doğrudan sorumlu olursun. O yüzden bu post sonuçlanana kadar yeni hesap AÇMA, ve uymadığın tüm kuralları İngilizce olarak say) 1) Hack yapmamalısın. 2) Banlandıktan sonra yeni hesap açmamalısın.

  1. replay mod use 2) open a new account after ban 3) mob farm with water push and redstone clock. I don’t have any other rule violations

Bu mesaj bir arkadaşımızın yardımıyla senin diline çevrildi. (This post has been translated into your language by the help of one of our friends.)

Replay modunu silip kaldırdığından emin ol, ve hangisi olursa olsun bunun gibi haksız avantaj veren hiçbir şeyi bir daha ne olursa olsun kullanma. Şu ana kadar görüyorum ki yeni hesap açıp servera girmeyi yasak olduğundan denemedin, o yüzden bu hacki kaldıracağına güveniyorum. Ancak, hack yapmaya karar verip anti-hile ya da server adminleri tarafından tekrar banlanırsan, diğer sefere bu sefer olduğumuz kadar hoşgörülü olmayacağız. Banlanmış hesabın olmasına rağmen banına itiraz etmeyi seçmeyip yeni hesap açtığın için, şu andan itibaren 3 gün sürecek GEÇİCİ bir banın olacak. Bu 3 gün dolunca servera normal bir şekilde tekrar dönebilirsin. Bu süre bitmeden yeniden hesap açmaman gerektiğini söylememize gerek yok, ve ayrıca yeni bir ban itirazı postu açmana gerek yok. Son olarak ise, kuralları bu sefer tam anladığında lütfen emin ol, bir yer yeterince açık değilse her zaman sorabilirsin.

Thank you. You can rest assured that I will abide by the rules. I will continue to use Optifine will this be a problem?

Optifine is an allowed mod as it does not give you an advantage in any way

If a mod doesn’t give you an advantage in a some way its probably fine

Thank you for taking care of it.

I forgot to mention earlier, i unbanned the original, fatih371