Banned for telling the truth

In-game name:Phantom_MC_
Discord ID: Phantom_MC
Ban Reason: Innocent
Plead: Guilty or Guilty
Reason for pleading: Guilty
Apology:Sorry For telling the truth

I’m very sorry for offending you Astelon but you’re kind of acting immature I’m sorry to say but you do it all the time every time somebody says something over chat that they’re getting something too easy you kill the rates and you’ve done it lots of times more times that I can remember I am 48 years old I know what you’re doing and I see it all the time and you banning me is not the right thing all I did was tell the truth and you cannot deny that if you remember wolf was getting polar bear heads too easy and you Nerf that it’s happened many times that’s you playing it simple but I’m sorry that I think the truth I know it’s one of your events and I understand you upped the drop rate of the presents and stuff but if you see players getting them too easy you’re going to Nerf it I know you too well you do it all the time this is a ban for no reason you’re abusing your power you’re acting like a god I’m sorry to say and if you don’t believe me I can get other mythic players that see the same thing and some don’t play much anymore because of the B’s of staff

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Now that I have that off my chest I’m very sorry for what I did I do not do conspiracy and I don’t lie we do see it as players what’s happening not just me I here from others about the doing in the server anyway very sorry for what I did in /msg and calling you a baby that mite have been a little bit harsh wording very sorry

I’m not taking over this appeal, as Astelon is still going to handle it when he can, but given his approval I will try to make a point that I can’t stress enough for this community. And you know very well, Phantom, after voice chats we had, that this is true.


Be it Astelon, be it HotLava03, be it ibu2awesome, be it whoever you like.

Was that big and bold enough?

Astelon does his best, just like every single active staff member in this community, to keep experience fair and enjoyable for players. Those who don’t are either kicked out or you won’t see around so often.

Considering this is your own appeal, I’ll hope you read this thoroughly yourself, since you aren’t busy enough to play in-game.

MythicMC is not a perfect server. Hell, it’s so far from it. Especially if we consider the state it’s on right now. God, do you seriously think I’m proud of its current state? I despise it myself. But around 4-5 years ago when we released V2, we did what we thought was initially impossible. Just getting the TE infrastructure working on 1.13 back then was victory. If only a fraction of the community understood that sensation, you’d understand. Anyone here with a minimum of experience will know the shift from 1.10 to 1.13 was a ginormous change for Minecraft developers.

V2’s release was straight up what TE didn’t finish when 1.12 (not even 1.13) was being released. Not that they weren’t capable of it, but we finished what they started, and did so much more.

Nowadays, of course our server flaws become more evident. A lot of our staff grew up, got a life, moved on from things, yet we still have a pretty committed team to this date.

You’re probably chuckling at that. But you don’t see what’s happening behind the hood. And you’re also about to tell me “show us then!” But not even that do you all understand, do you? Every single company hides their future products for a reason, don’t they? What stops us from doing the same? We want to give you our very best with V3, we’ll solve 80-90% of everything people complain about, yet they rather be impatient and hate on the work we have done 5 years ago and are doing nothing but maintain it while also getting V3 done.

But you didn’t even get banned for complaining about V2’s state this time. It’s the same old conspiracy about drop rates that has been spread for ages now. But I know very well you conspire about many things. You’ll deny it, because you believe they are true, but I’ll call them conspiracy much because I know it’s all untrue. You don’t know it, but I do.

The Mob Heads are all Ast’s merit and months of work put into it by him alone. It’s his personal project applied into the server and I can only respect him for it. Now, have you noticed that the people who work the most are always the people that get the most bitched on? It’s the people who bring you things that always get the least merit. Why? Because they’re the ones actually putting work done in front of you with enough things for you to complain about.

Drop rates are something that’s constantly varying. And before you even think of bringing back your speculation you started with Candi about people having different drop rates, I want you to consider how much work that’d even be to even start implementing individual drop rates for people. Just consider it for a second. Count how many players we have, and how much data it is to hold, just to set a specific percentage of a drop rate per drop (which is hundreds of variations to say the least) per player. Now multiply all of that. How worth it is it to have so much storage on that alone for… our own amusement? To promote unfairness? For what? What exactly is it that we gain with it? Because we’re evil? Seriously, drop me your points. Do I need to put that message above even bigger and bolder?

And lastly, your complaints, again thrown to Ast, about drop rates being constantly changed. The server’s economy is a fragile, so fragile little piece of the server that needs to be taken care of like a little newborn. Mob heads are something that can inflate it so easily with a few wrong steps. Ast is doing nothing but what any other admin would do, which is balance the economy according to results which are only obtained via experimentation. We don’t have enough data to do the math initially. We need to fit it according to how the community grows and adheres to the whole mob head grind. So yes, we sometimes need to adjust rates to lower values if too many heads are dropped. Even if it’s one, because the head is too new and got released too recently. We truly, seriously, understand all of you want to get these items. But our mission is far greater which is to maintain stability in them. If people understood this, our life would be so much easier.

You can consider this a rant, or an attempt of an eye opener for many members of this community. A little bit of appreciation for our volunteer work every now and then would be appreciated. And I don’t mean constantly thanking us or anything. The best token of appreciation for us is simply to complain less. We don’t make rules against complaints because we don’t want to shut down your opinions as if we’re silencing you. But there’s limits. If any player ever manages to take away a staff member’s motivation to work here, I will personally get rid of them myself.

I hope more players read this and learn even a little bit from this.


And I do give Astelon credit full credit for what he does he does and I have no dispute of that he does do good events etc there’s no doubt about that and as for most staff in the server are awesome people and do a great job at what they do there’s no depute on that I love playing on the server just we do notice as players when drop rates have been played with like minecarts in mines are now very hard to get now almost impossible but that’s not here nor there problem thanks lava




Before delving more into this, I’ll address the obvious points. You say I lower drop rates because people mention getting stuff. That is true, I do that sometimes, it helps a lot not having to check the logs to see that something might be wrong. The reason why I do it, though, you said it yourself:

I never lowered drop rates because I wanted to make players’ lives harder when trying to get cool stuff, that’s the whole point of me adding stuff. Most of the things I make are for others to enjoy, not myself specifically. I want you to get the cool stuff I add. Why else would I add it? But I also want the stuff I add to actually have a value. So I can’t leave them too common, too easy to get. If everyone has it, then what’s the point of a collectible? And some things I simply cannot just give freely, either because the staff team consensus is that they need to be rarer, or because that would affect the game negatively. There is a thing as too much good, and I need to account for that as well. Give people everything they wish easily, and they’ll very soon end up with nothing more to wish for. And the game itself is complex, and it’s difficult to keep track of everything that’s possible when deciding how much something should drop. I also don’t want to just set a number of drops to be obtained per month or something, because I don’t think that kind of system would be fun or fair.

So, if I notice something is much easier to get than intended (often by what people say), I have to do something about it. I can’t just leave it like that. If one player can get 10 mobheads in a day, what’s stopping every other player to get 10 mobheads in a day? It’s also not hard for me to see when something is obtained too much too fast. I don’t need for players to tell me about it, but it helps a lot to point out possible issues. What I can’t notice easily is when things are too hard to get. I don’t get too many complaints about that, I have to ask you specifically to tell me what you think could use increasing, because otherwise on your own you only say when you spread conspiracies like these that we modify the droprates for specific players and cause drama in public about stuff being too rare and what not. I balance things both ways.

Now, onto your ban appeal title, you didn’t get banned for telling the truth. Fair complaints are fair, after all. You got banned because I’ve had enough of your conspiracies involving the server or the staff team (and you’ve had so many I lost track of them). Like lava said, we don’t do special treatment for specific players. Everyone has always had the same drop rates, we don’t change them for players we like or don’t like. Like I said above, I also don’t just change droprates because people get a lot of stuff. I want you to get stuff, but I have to make sure the stuff doesn’t end up worthless.

Which brings me to the second ban reason, you asked someone to keep quiet about getting too much of something. That’s literally asking someone to be quiet about an exploit with extra steps. I hope I don’t have to explain why we don’t allow that.

And finally the reason why your ban is permanent instead of temporary, you had the brightest idea to disrespect me right after I banned you. I don’t care what you said, I don’t feel insulted or anything, I only expect respect from you. We the staff team have put a lot of work over time for you to enjoy the server, we don’t get money or something from this. How much you enjoy it is up to you, but if you can’t bring yourself to at least show some respect in the place we have built, then you might as well leave. So yea, this is why you got banned, not because you told the truth.


Astelon I am not saying that you guys aren’t doing great work I have never said that you guys have made an awesome server it’s just some of the staff and stuff I’ve gotten to a point where it’s getting toxic and that’s no conspiracy I know my two sons don’t want to play on the server anymore because of the BS it’s going on with staff and how hard things are to get nowadays and I have to say some people have more luck getting stuff than others like GK can get 10 heads no problem I’m right there with them and I might only get one that’s just gk’s luck same as everybody else’s luck wolf had better luck at getting polar bear heads I have never gotten one so it’s to do with luck some players have better luck than others and I’ve seen this time and time again but anyways to come to the point of matter is I do respect the staff most of them are great but you know it’s just if you have players that don’t want to play anymore because of the staff what is that saying honestly I know a few players that have quit because of staff being the way they are other than my sons so I don’t know what to say we see it we know what’s going on and I have never disrespected the server I’ve always helped people when they need it so I don’t know what else you want me to say but it’s the truth there’s no conspiracy it’s just the plain out truth we’re losing players and why is that


Oh yea, jordan, whose last relevant action that I’m aware of was using someone’s warp to go to their farm, in another faction, find a hole in the wall, and start strip mining there with a beacon. Though I’m sure you’re also a beacon of positivity, of course, you could never lie to people about whether your ban was justified, or to allox about something I haven’t actually said, or tell people theories about how we lower droprates and mob spawning rates for specific people without having any proof for months, or start arguments in global about these such things with other friends of yours. Do tell me more how it’s the staff who are toxic.

You keep mentioning the polar bear drop rates, but, you killed just 9 bears last year, you can’t possibly expect to get a mobhead while others kill them by the hundreds. As for the heads gk got, I also don’t think you can expect this to be fine:

This isn’t luck, this is the droprates being too high for how many mooshrooms you can find.

There will always be players who quit because of the staff. That’s just the reality. A lot of people quit because they can’t do whatever they want. And I’ve seen you complain about this a lot, yet you’ve never done what you’re supposed to, and that it message ibu about it. You were mentioning that when supposedly, aqua_sama was quitting because pastel asked him to stop sending gif links (which appear as links) in the ingame chat channel, and I told you back then to message ibu if you really have a problem, but you didn’t. So go ahead, message ibu about all the things you think the staff team is doing wrong or with bad intentions, or write them here if you prefer. I’m making this a condition for your appeal.

I don’t get why you love to complain so much about things, but never do the minimum to get these sorted out. I don’t recall ever seeing you come to me and tell me that X droprate is too low and that it could use increasing, or come up with valid things that staff do and resulted in players quitting. It’s always complaining or starting drama in public, and never just asking.


I am not trying to cause drama I am not trying to cause complaining all I’m just trying to say is what I’m trying to say I am very sorry for what I said and I’m very sorry for what I did that’s all I can say about that I don’t know how you can see it as complaining when I am bringing up valid points but nonetheless I am very sorry for what I did you’re not actually listening to the actual facts that I’m trying to say but that’s okay whatever once again I am very sorry for what I did and I will be better at it and keep my opinions to myself but okay I will keep my conspiracies and drama to myself

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I didn’t mean now, but until now, you know, the actions that eventually led to the ban. See what you and allox did on the very first day of the year, the year barely started and you were saying that people are quitting because drop rates are too low and were complaining about ibu and the staff, while morvin was trying to find out what were your actual complaints.

I too would prefer to hear these complaints, since if you’re not told what’s wrong, how are you gonna become better, but if you prefer to only tell those to ibu, I’m fine with it as well.

Also, instead of just coming up with weird explanations for why X happens, just ask us? You know, just because the liquid is transparent doesn’t mean it’s water. Ideally we should be the main “source of truth” when it comes to how the server works, since we literally work on that.


Astelon, to be completely honest I don’t think we just get along, again sorry for calling you a baby. This ban appeal is also going in the wrong direction because we are now in a different discussion, I think we should just not interfere with each other, you do your best for the server even though some people think you are doing things a bit differently (including me). Still, I really appreciate that you are doing your best and I will not interfere with what you do from now on as long as you approach it a little differently. I therefore think it would be fair if you put the ban back to how it was before, with the agreement that I would not interfere with you because you do your best, but I also try to make the server the best, just like you help people, I just do it a little differently.


That would be the easy way out, which doesn’t really solve anything, just hides everything under the carpet until they’ll pop back out, so that’s not how we’re gonna do this. We’re not returning to the status quo, because it led to this in the first place, and I’d rather it doesn’t repeat.

So what I want to do now is to sort out your (and I guess allox’s and jordan’s as well) grievances with the staff team and the server, and then whatever question or uncertainty you have regarding how the server works. First are the grievances, so that’s what I’m waiting for right now. Whatever issues you have with the staff team or the server, send them here or pm them to ibu.