Ban appeal request

In-game name: Katakuri
Discord ID: 1079784533135740973
Ban Reason: Using VPN
Plead: Innocent
Reason for pleading:"i just wanted to play minecraft with my friends, and enjoy, i genuinely didnt know vpn was allowed on mythicMC , i have used vpn because my internet was lagging a lot, so i tried to use vpn to see if my connection can get better, im so sorry, also , i have made another account called “shinkaitezlo” , it is because i wanted to see my pet dog which i cared about the most, once again im sorry.
apology: i will not use vpn ever again, i genuinely didnt know that vpn was not allowed, as i dont know much about mythicMC, im sorry , i will read the rules and follow accordingly



Being sorry and apologizing for what you’ve done instead of saying these when you get banned isn’t that hard, don’t you think?

You accuse another player with something you’ve seen on chat which you gave literally no effort to not misunderstand. You swear to the server, think that it is a good idea to call my actions as “bullshit” while you don’t have any single idea of what was going on at that place.

Even until now, things are going pretty bad for you. But I’ve to say I am amazed to see an appeal from you, because you said “i am never coming back to this stupid server”. So I am glad that you found the right path and made an appeal in correct way, except for a few things:

You didn’t obey bumping rules, which only allows you to bump once in 24h.
You are not “Innocent” since using VPN is not allowed in our rules.

These were for the appeal itself, but do problems end here? No.

You decided that it is a good idea to ban evade after 6 hours you got banned. I honestly don’t believe in the pet dog story, since they are safe under a faction and they can be rollbacked even if they are killed. Even you admitting that you ban evaded and using evading account only once, it doesn’t matter since for whatever excuse you had, you shouldn’t have evaded your ban.

I do have one question in my mind though. I know which country you originally live in via your IP and you know it as well. I of course won’t reveal your info here, but I know your country isn’t Germany which you connected to by the help of VPN. While I was checking your past connection IPs from the day you registered, I saw something REALLY strange. I saw an IP which was connecting from Germany. I know you used VPN to connect to Germany but that IP was NOT a VPN. Do you mind telling who is connecting from Germany to your account?

wait what germany?

And idk who is connecting my acc to germany maybe my sister bc his friend is from Germany and he always plays with his friend so i think its my sis

I don’t quite get this part. Is your sister in Germany too?

And you said “he always plays with his friend”
I’ll assume you meant she instead of he and her instead of his.

I hope you are not making things up to get away from this, being honest is the only way out here. So if you have something else to tell me or if you want to change any statement of yours, go ahead.

Oh mb i was replying on my phone

You still didn’t reply my question

I don’t know if I did ask a question which is hard to understand. But I don’t think I did…

I’ll ask you again.

Is your sister in Germany too?

How does she connect with your account from Germany? What is that friend’s in-game name who lives in Germany?

my sister’s friend is from germany and she is a girl. Okay So my sister connected to germany in a VPN Called Avast. And i didn’t know that she did so i got banned and boom

                  Btw my sis ain't from Germany

And her friend from germany’s name is Cirsalioda You can call him Lioda

I didn’t ask if she is from Germany or not. I asked if she is at Germany because there is a connection which is NOT a VPN connection from Germany(Meaning: There is somebody who logged into your account from Germany). You are also claiming that you don’t know about it so it might be your sister. If I got it right, you are saying “me and my sister committed account sharing” which is also bannable

I literally don’t get how did we come to your sister’s friend, name and gender. I didn’t ask for any of those informations and I should say that I don’t care about those at all. I don’t care if that friend is from Germany or not as well.

Some things don’t add up in your story. I strongly recommend you to be fully honest.

Oh you mean my sister’s friend he logged in, in my account.

And i am honest

We are starting to get somewhere.

I’ll just hope your replies until this point are some kind of difficulty in properly expressing yourself rather than trying to make things up to get out of this.

So you admit that you and your sister’s friend committed account sharing like what you have done wasn’t enough. I still want to know the details of it, like how could it happen? How does your sister’s friend have access to your account, how is he able to login to it at first place?

I need a clear, honest expression.

My sister’s friend was able to connect or use my acc bc i was using Titan Launcher witch she can log in my acc in any time so thats how. The vpn witch my sister’s friend told her to use called avast. My sister didnt tell me so boom banned using vpn

Yet i apologize to what i did last time i was just so mad so yeah sorry again i apologize

Can you quit this story which contains your sister and your sister’s friend? Because you are just making things up and the things you made up do not add up, there is no logic between them.

I’ll ask you properly for one last time.

Who did you share your account with?
How did those one(s) access to your account?

Make sure to quit lying and stop making things up. I just want to know who logged into your account, with or without your knowledge.

I shared my account with my sis cuz she dosen’t have an account and like what i just said i am using Titan launcher so anyone could enter in my account without me knowing and again i am not making things up

What do you mean

anyway is there even a chance of me getting back at mythic cuz if not ill just quit