World Edit Request

In-game name: VirtualityGOD
First position coordinates: X: 3,077, Y: 69, Z: -170, Yaw: 270.725, Pitch: 15.899
Second position coordinates: X: -327, Y: 62, Z: 3884, Yaw: 273.746, Pitch: 4.5
What to do? (move): I’d would like to request to move my Faction’s Ship (Radiance) to another Faction’s coords (Solaris) that has been given above.

Also, when you are applying the paste. Please make sure it touches the water as it is touching the water before. I cannot get exact “Z” axis due to ship being too large.

P.S: Once the moving of ship is done, I’ll disband my faction.

i confirm this as leader of Solaris

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