in-game name : VyTung_
./warp cf
What to do? : move
move all the farm to 5367 63 4406 ( the chunk that i add the sand pillar at corner ) make the door face into north
Thank you very much
In-game name:
First position coordinates:
Second position coordinates:
What to do? (clear, fill, move):
If move:
First position coordinates of destination:
Second position coordinates of destination:
In-game name: VyTung_
First position coordinates: 1550 78 -1309 ( smooth stone )
Second position coordinates: 1540 63 -1299 ( smooth stone )
What to do? : move
If move:
First position coordinates of destination: 5372 63 4413
Second position coordinates of destination: 5362 63 4403
make the door facing to north thanks
Dealt with.