UFM - United Factions of Mythic

Welcome to UFM’s Official Recruitment Page

What is UFM and why should I be a part of it?

UFM is an unofficial Federation of Factions in the MythicMC network where Member-Factions are subsidized for their projects with building blocks and sometimes even money as necessary, using the UFM Fund. Member-Factions may also help each other in times of need.

Who’s in charge?

The founding factions, Baclava and PurpleLand, are the headquarter factions of the federation. The UFM Fund consists of their joined economy.

Why create UFM?

We noticed that a lot of the server’s economy is stuck on the richest people and poorer (yet many times large) factions struggle to build their factions as intended. Therefore, we’d like to unite these factions in order to make a stronger economic bond between them.

Who is the UFM for?

Anyone can join the UFM, but subsidies are decided according to their type.
What’s that? We classify factions with three types:

Click to view all Faction types
  • Type 1 - Any size, high economic power (only subsidized for very large projects under approval of the majority of Member-Factions)
  • Type 2 - Large, lower economic power
  • Type 3 - Small, low economic power

UFM Rules

Click to view UFM's rules
  • All Member-Factions must keep their farms WITH their loots open to all other Member-Factions;
  • All Member-Factions must be open to donate to projects approved by the majority of all Member-Factions (amounts varying according to their type);
  • Member-Factions have independent economies, so taking items from other Member-Factions without authorization is against MythicMC’s rules and therefore a bannable offense (you’ll get kicked out of UFM too if you’re the leader);
  • All projects may only be approved under approval of a majority of all Member-Factions, including the headquarters (if the Fund cannot afford the project, it will be put on hold).
  • Failing to abide to UFM’s rules may result in a kick to the entire faction from UFM if decided by the majority of the factions.

Okay, how do I sign up?

You must be the leader of your faction. Copy and reply with the following format:

In-game name:
Faction name:
What type would you consider your faction as? (1-3, read above if unsure):
Do you agree with the UFM rules? (yes/no, required):

If you want to know more, please feel free to contact me or PastelPainter for more information. You may also sign up in-game if I’m online.

Current UFM Members:

  • Baclava - Type 1
  • PurpleLand - Type 1
  • Eden - Type 1
  • Legendary - Type 1
  • Brioche - Type 1
  • Duckers - Type 1
  • Denied - Type 1

Eden has joined the UFM as a founding faction. We’re also working on a new UFM shop for the entire federation, which will give members the right to sell on this shop too. UShop.


Legendary has just joined the UFM.

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Duckers has joined the UFM.

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Denied has joined the UFM.