Title Suggestion to Mythic Store

Description: i’ve been meaning to ask / suggest to add new titles to the Mythic store

Why: its fun to see people with titles and it would be cool if there is a lot more option to choose from

How: adding few more titles to the Store with more titles or offers up the titles that has been offered before like spooky and all… the suggestion i would like to make here would also benefit both man and woman / boy and girl

Suitable suggestion for men:

  • Gentleman
  • Architect
  • Prince

Suitable Suggestion for women:

  • Sweetheart
  • Flower
  • Princess


  • Donation to the server
  • as in my opinion new players will also be interested in the titles if they saw players having titles next to their name and they will be motivated to grind for the titles too.
  • making the server looks more … cheerful and lively :smiley:


  • extra work for staff (sorry in advance) :slight_smile:

Really nice idea :slight_smile: I love the sweetheart suggestion :slight_smile:
I think more titles to choose from, would be really awesome. Plus its also good money for the server when players buy them.

Hugs Herzchen