The 12 hour reply game (reply for $1,000,000.00)

Was anyone actualyl thinking they were going to finish it within 4 weeks lol

No it’s just paranoid thinking by numbs

Is it possible to get access to safezone? I want to build proper chapel for /warp cross

3 players are looking for the spooky title still

Doubtful staff will more than likley make the changes for you

Thats not a good idea wait for some admins to do it for you

But they don’t build anything… Hmmm maybe more possible to build the shrine then ask them to world edit it there? So I don’t have access to safezone

They have been building V3.

Yeah. But No. What I mean is they don’t build anything on /warp cross

Maybe they just wanted you to be cross about it

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Lol whats that?

It’s a pun duhhh

Yeah but idk what word would be pun with cross?

a man is driving a car and saying sometimes my genius it 's almost frightening

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Lol… I don’t get your pun though… So it missed

I dont get it either

Welp no one gets it then… Ba dum tsss

You are just cross they havn’t doen anything with it



  1. annoyed.

“he seemed to be very cross about something”

Wow new knowledge… I don’t even think there are cross as adj. I only know cross eyed

Drink water