The 12 hour reply game (reply for $1,000,000.00)

just drank some

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its ben 1min sins I drank water need some more:=

Shocking to know but i have had water today i know a man wearing a hoodie with a stuffed animal on his head

Yeah Chuck you got it :+1:
I can’t take my revenge tho :(

Me too

Revenge meitioned :eyes:
Creeper Aw Man GIF - Creeper Aw Man - Discover & Share GIFs

so we back in the mine

Got our pickaxe swinging from side to side

I prefer using another human as miners


Its kinda annoying we can’t instamine deepslate. Maybe staff would make any special equipment or potion to tackle that? :wink:

We probably won’t as it is vanilla Minecraft feature, if we intervene every game mechanic it isn’t fun anymore

I mean i dont very much find mining deepslate as a very fun mechanic personally

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I very happy to see this going so well keep it going

when is this thing ever gone end. XD

When you stop replying after i post a message

never gonna give you up

I wish you would

never gonna let you down

hopefullly never. But why didnt i notice this earlier?! I need to read more on the forums…