just drank some
its ben 1min sins I drank water need some more:=
Shocking to know but i have had water today i know
Yeah Chuck you got it
I can’t take my revenge tho :(
Me too
Revenge meitioned
so we back in the mine
Got our pickaxe swinging from side to side
I prefer using another human as miners
Its kinda annoying we can’t instamine deepslate. Maybe staff would make any special equipment or potion to tackle that?
We probably won’t as it is vanilla Minecraft feature, if we intervene every game mechanic it isn’t fun anymore
I mean i dont very much find mining deepslate as a very fun mechanic personally
I very happy to see this going so well keep it going
when is this thing ever gone end. XD
When you stop replying after i post a message
never gonna give you up
I wish you would
never gonna let you down
hopefullly never. But why didnt i notice this earlier?! I need to read more on the forums…