This is a fun fact question that I asked you to know how did you get into MythicMC.
Me first,
I hop into Minecraft, play a Hardcore map in singleplayer, I’m a bad Minecraft player so I don’t really make much progress for my world here is my captures:
I actually don’t find any interesting of playing Minecraft singleplayer anymore and also I can’t find any mods to add and play, so I try to find some server on Google.
I did not found MythicMC on Google, because I see MythicMC is already in the Multiplayer so: “here goes nothing”. Now I’m making progress here in the server thanks to everybody so polite and nice.
same…i was bored after doing 100 days hardcore horror and other mods,then i found mythicmc on my multiplayer list,and i tried it,i didnt regret trying it XD it was fun playing there
Quite a repetitive story for most members but since there’s quite a few new ones, it’d be nice to give you some history. For those who already know it, skip this
Mythic wasn’t MythicMC, it was just Mythic, and it was a faction like those you see in our server, but in TeamExtremeMC. It was owned by a former TeamExtreme admin, kenace, which after TE shutdown, he decided to create a small server for mythic faction members to play around in.
So, I didn’t really join MythicMC, I was kinda already part of it back in 2018. Not as staff though, that took me a while
It’s funny how such a tiny little thing turned into this, not gonna lie, even if it has such a low player count nowadays I’d still consider it to have a pretty decently sized community, and I can quite say the infrastructure is pretty cool
Regardless, I joined Mythic in 2018 when it first released as a little aternos server and shortly became a small server in a paid host, where /fly was enabled for everyone, the end world existed, the richest person had 50k (me ), and so on. Now I went from the richest to one of the poorest, but that’s just how it is lmao
Mojang TOS had a lot of back and forths that really effected the discoverablity of TeamExtreme killing its player count along with one of the larger regions that played on TE ended up getting a range ban due to the amount of bans the area of the world was causing issues within the server for other players that the whole philippines area was barred from making new accounts alogn with TeamExtreme being added to a block via Mojang was really the nail that finally got us in a few diffrent ways to the point the server wasn’t making enough money or getting anywhere its normal player count that it had been getting that the server owner raidmax21 devided it was no longer viable to continue the long term operations of TeamExtreme
(Altho at the time he had no told this to the staff team that it was having issues money wise as i know some of us would have given money to keep that place running without a doubt) But not that that matters anymore it shut down in 2018.
Damn didn’t know he kept it a secret from staff too, I’m sure someone will pay for Te to stay running if they know about it. I guess raid got bored of Te maybe?
To be fair, a server doesn’t just shut down for not having money, but also for lacking management (which we for now don’t), but if it eventually happened, we wouldn’t trust our name on a random person to manage this server, which would mean it’s better to shut it down.
Regardless, don’t worry, we’re far from getting there
How I get in mythicmc? Hmmm, I think I got here because my friend told me there’s was TE alternative server open with old player playing there, Then00b sti miss him, but I guess he still busy with real world and don’t play MC anymore, anyways mythic is good enough for me to nostalgic what we do in TE, such a nice server like this shouldn’t shutdown forever