Potential griefing of my build

In-game name: Stevenl_Slaaa
What happened: I would like to investigate on some potential griefing. I was the leader of Aftertime, and I have several chests on my build. In mid to late June Aftertime got disbanded, and before it was restored, I believe some of my stuff was taken/stolen. Major stuff included a shulker box with most if not all of my ore materials (dimes iron) and mending armor. The quartz on my build is also mostly destroyed.

Coordinates (if applicable): -1130 63 6930
Who you suspect and why: None (Some non-English speaking player?)

Attached are photos and evidences.

Photo 1 & 2: Comparison between my build and what it should had been
Photo 3, 5, 6, 7, 8: Chests that were likely destroyed/griefed
Photo 4: Potential signs left by the witnesses/griefers
Photo 9: Missing Quartz

Thanks for all the help!

So it was griefed while it was in wild from what i read?

That was the only possible time since there were no other members, so yes.

If rolling back isn’t possible, I would at least want to know the personnel who was involved.

With it being in wild it makes it very difficult to rollback, if at all possible…

The players cannot face an consequences due it being in wild and it would be extremely hard to track at this point. Even if i took the hours required to find who everything went to, I cannot really do much with that. It’s been long enough were it’s unrealistic to request they give the stuff back, if they even have it still. I cannot just roll back the stuff without taking the previous stuff or equivalent back, as that then causes a dupe… Nor, am I actually aware why Aftertime was restored either, so I don’t know if there is a valid reason as to why I should even roll back anything

I am not sure if I should tell you who did it either, as that’d be somewhat of a breach of privacy if they’ve done nothing wrong from a player perspective. But i’ll see what other staff think…

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Also I have another Qs. Do lockettes time out as well? As I remembered I did have some lockettes on at least some of my chest

They are supposed to after 30 days of not logging in

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Bump! (currently mining since I don’t have any diamonds with me anymore :smiling_face_with_tear: )

The faction never disbanded. I offered ez to return after you were inactive for a month, and he agreed. He took stuff from there, although some might’ve been taken by kingyyyy before you still timed out, which should have been returned upon my request (I put these chests at the f home for ez to deal with).

The signs are there since before you even joined AfterTime probably, 4 years ago.