In-game name: crad1213
New name: drew_bean
Reason (explain in detail):
One of my sons changed his MC name so he can no longer access his chests in our shop with the wrong name.
Alternatively, we could just have the locks removed on his shop signs but I figured if we can do a name change then he would also retain his $$ balance.
Update… It just occurred to me that we would still need to have his shop signs removed since they have his old name.
His shop chests can be found at:
Faction world 83/68/-252 He has the Armor department for a total of 4 chests
Faction world 85/50/-279 All potion department chests.
Thanks again.
You’re supposed to make a post and not create a new account because it’s a pain to move stuff if the account has exists… Notably, you’re also supposed to remove all lockettes and shop chests before requesting as well.
The player who owns the account should be the one to request it, not you…
There are no notes attached to either of your accounts stating that you’re related, so if you are using the same IP (which it appears not to be the case) then no request was ever made
Continuing #3, Titan_Andy is in your IP range, but there is no notes for them either, so I must ask what their relationship to you is?
Both Titan_Andy and Crad1213 are my sons. They were living at home when we were very active on Mythic but have moved away now so that’s why their IP’s are different now. It’s strange that there are no notes on the account because when Kenace was in charge, we had to let him know so we could have all three players on the same IP.
I can have Drew (crad1213) make the request if needed. I was just trying to help him get it done since you guys already know who I am. But at this point, he has already logged in with the new drew_bean name.
We cannot remove the lockettes labeled crad1213 because he has changed his MC name to drew_bean. Maybe it would just be simpler if I just request that all the crad1213 lockettes get removed in the shop and he can just continue as drew_bean. If that would be simplest, I can just start a new post for lockette removal if you like.
Numbers… Do you want to just scrap this request and I’ll just make a lockette removal request for the old crad1213 chests? Sounds like that will be the simplest solution.