Name Change

Name Change

in game name: WITHERED_ASSASIN
New name : GAMER284457

reason: i want to change my name back to GAMER284457 because GAMER284457 has a background, a story , the lore behind it, the glory glowing in its name, the aura flowing through its veins, i mean i want to change my name because i love my old name

You know it’s much harder to change your name back to an old name right?
It requires extra work.

As such you should be absolutely sure before requesting a name change -.-

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I will change it back if you’re absolutely sure, but I am to be very unhappy if you’re back here a third time and request to go back to WITHERED_ASSASIN again…

uehh , yes , pls change my name back to my originl name

Name changed back…