my inventory is gone

hi there,my name is organicboy4 from 7Mu faction,i want to report a problem happened to my inventory,my inventory is the bedwars inventory and my faction inventory is gone.Please fix this glitch,from OrganicBoy4 thank you

please fix it or give back my half item if its hard,thank you…

before i enter games i was in creative with some fellow friends,the game i joined is bedwars,the time i spent is about 10-15 minutes

the items that was gone are
diamond armors full enchanted=unbreaking and thorns
diamond sword sweeping edge,fire A,unbreak 3,sharpness v/Iv,looting,and mending
diamond shovel unbreak 1,eff 3
diamond pickaxe unbreak 3,eff V,fortune 2/3
shulker box normal
terracotta 1
glass block normal 12

thats all,thank you,…

What did you do with the inventory you got from bedwars?

Also going to need a date and time (in UTC) when you lost the items…
Can’t search for what happened otherwise…

oh the items from the bedwars? trash them if you ask about the bedwar items,for my items form faction that was missing as i enter the games and played BW,the game crashed so i got out,then when i came back my items was gone,oh and whats a UTC?
the date i remember is 10d ago as my report is posted

UTC is a timezone, it’s the time that can be found when you press tab while connected to the server (in the bottom left)…

I will need an approximate time in UTC and date that it happened to figure out what happened.

15 december,8:45AM,for the time i forgot,let me check again…

you sure the 8:45 am is in UTC?.. I dont see any disconnections in games from you around then

I see 5:39, 14:35, and 14:45

14:45 was you going to factions with nothing in your invee
Assuming 14:35 was where you lost the stuff since you disconnected in game there by the looks of it?

i still forgot the time but yes,i dissconnect due a crash on the minecraft,then when i reconnect my stuffs was switched by the BW inven,and still the story when i lost it its because of dissconnect crash…

As far as i can see after looking further at that day, you didn’t lose any items on that day…

Are you sure you have the right date?

i remember fully i posted this report as the same day i lost my stuffs,i remember that fully

Hmm, just found out games itself crashed during this, not you…

That makes things a lot more confusing…

I think I ended up narrowing it down but I am confused how you managed to get some of these items before leaving bw after the crash as some of these were not in your inventory or enderchest before moving to creative… before moving to games… nor should most of them be obtainable in bedwars either…

Where do you even manage to get a turtle helmet from ???

[14:35:34] [Server thread/INFO]: [LoggerSharp] [PlayerInventory] Player OrganicBoy4 left Space_Age 57 46 -9 with inventory: {Type: DIAMOND_PICKAXE Enchantments: [minecraft:efficiency:4,minecraft:fortune:3,minecraft:unbreaking:3] Amount: 1} {Type: OAK_SIGN Amount: 8} {Type: STRING Amount: 64} {Type: STRING Amount: 64} {Type: STRING Amount: 64} {Type: DIAMOND_SWORD Enchantments: [minecraft:sharpness:4,minecraft:unbreaking:3] Amount: 1 Durability: 4} {Type: DIAMOND_AXE Enchantments: [minecraft:efficiency:5,minecraft:fortune:3,minecraft:sharpness:3,minecraft:unbreaking:3] Repair Cost: 3 Amount: 1 Durability: 420} {Type: DIAMOND Amount: 6} {Type: SUGAR_CANE Amount: 57} {Type: SUGAR_CANE Amount: 64} {Type: SUGAR_CANE Amount: 64} {Type: SUGAR_CANE Amount: 64} {Type: CHEST Amount: 3} {Type: SUGAR_CANE Amount: 64} {Type: SUGAR_CANE Amount: 64} {Type: SUGAR_CANE Amount: 64} {Type: SUGAR_CANE Amount: 64} {Type: STRING Amount: 45} {Type: BONE Amount: 62} {Type: BONE Amount: 64} {Type: BONE Amount: 64} {Type: BONE Amount: 64} {Type: BONE Amount: 64} {Type: STRING Amount: 64} {Type: STRING Amount: 64} {Type: STRING Amount: 64} {Type: STRING Amount: 64} {Type: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS Enchantments: [minecraft:protection:4,minecraft:unbreaking:3] Amount: 1 Durability: 362} {Type: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE Enchantments: [minecraft:protection:3,minecraft:unbreaking:3] Amount: 1 Durability: 7} {Type: TURTLE_HELMET Amount: 1 Durability: 10} {Type: SHIELD Amount: 1 Durability: 91}

hello,turtle helmet? how is it even there? well i read those coding but i think i place my turtle helmet in my chest room.yes i mean the game crashed after i notice that every players bugged and lagged in games.

but if you struggled for this problem,its okay to close the case if you want to

You didn’t join games with so i am trying to figure out how you left games with…

All items you had after the game you should have been destroyed anyways

i think it destroyed,but i think you can ask some people like Phantom_mc_,i hope he still remembers it

Restored, placed the items in your inventory.

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