Moving factions and lockettes request

Old username: vpvaminhquan
Current username: TheVpOfAllTime

I was a member in a faction called “Bestfactions” and I had several lockettes there before changing my username. Please move them and my faction role into my new username. Thank you.

I’m not going to find out where all your lockettes are. Provide coordinates for all of them. As for factions I don’t usually do this but I have transferred you to BestFaction and set you to officer.

You may reply to this post with lockette coordinates.

Here are their coordinates:
-66 69 -509
-66 69 -508
-66 69 -507
-62 70 -509
-65 69 -513
-60 64 -506
-57 64 -516
-57 66 -517
-61 64 -516
-62 64 -517
-66 64 -509