"Lost" Items Claimed by Server

Description: Store (or at least logged them) “lost” items (items in wilderness for too long - maybe ideally more than 50 days so there are 20 days period other players could claim it) for the server. Could be widened to include materials used for buildings etc in wilderness. The collected items could be used freely by server for DP, events, etc

Why: there are lots of uncollected “lost items” in wilderness that could be used by the server more optimally. Could reduce load for the economy from giving “free” items to players. More circular economy is better for the server.

How: I think the best is to code it that way


First point: Free stuffs for the server that could be used freely without hampering woth economy.
Second point: provide time limit to incentivize player to loot wilderness in 20 days (in the example if set at 50 days)
Third point: reduce player conflict from claiming old abandoned factions, and looting “lost” items.


First: might need regulations (not much of a hassle imo, I will volunteer to suggest regulations if needed)
Second point: might instead be burden if coding too complicated

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