I would like to get my acc approved

I would like to get my acc approved because i changed accounts because i forgott my email and password and i would still like to play on the server cause i like it

You have a forums account, and seems like you have access to it. I am here to help, but can you explain better which account’s email and password you forgot?

Because in our server, all we need is a username and a password you choose while registering since it is a cracked server.

If you are talking about Microsoft Account we don’t have authorization over that.

You can find the Titan Launcher which is managed by our server right here: https://titan.mythicmc.org/
By the help of it, you can play Minecraft with your username.

My old acc nick is kurec98878307913 and my New one is Mata_gas and i would like my New one approved

Your account has been renamed to Mata_gas, you can log in with your password from before.

If you’ve forgotten your password, please make a password reset request separately. You can find the format do do so here: