Discord Ban Appeal - Dhrone123

In-game name: Dhrone123
Discord ID: dhrone 348438961292836865
Ban Reason: Appealing for Discord Ban
Plead: Guilty
Reason for pleading: Appealing for Discord Ban with a truthful apology as I want to return.
Dear Mythic Staff,
I would like to sincerely apologize for my behavior and conduct on the discord server. I take responsibility and apologize for misusing channels, pinging people unnecessarily on the Discord server, creating unnecessary, inappropriate remarks on certain members. My actions were irresponsible, and I regret for the inconveniences I caused over the discord server in the past.
I assure you I have changed & such foolish, minor annoying things will not be depicted by me again. I am well-aware of the server rules, and I regularly review them when necessary. I am aware of the mistakes I’ve made and do not intend to continue causing such things. I hope to be given the opportunity to join the Discord server again and take part of the community, be kind and cooperate with the staff team & members.
Thanking you,
Arctic, dhrone

Hello Dhrone123,

I do appreciate all those words coming from you, it has been indeed a long time since I’ve last seen you around and specially on discord. I’ve had a good reason to ban you 2 years ago, but I do realize it has been a long time already. You certainly had enough time to reconsider your behavior, but looking into this, I did notice that you were banned again couple months ago by another staff member for starting conflicts with other members.

As much as I do believe in second chances, I also believe that by now you should’ve had enough time to show some improvement when it comes to your general behavior shown in the server. So I need to hear some confirmation from you directly that this would not happen again, we clearly do not tolerate such behavior in the server.

So going on from now, I’d like you to specifically reply with what rules you have broken so far and how would you refrain from doing so again?

Looking forward to hear from you!


Greetings Tw1,
The rules I violated are listed below.

  1. Abusing other players is not allowed.
  2. Avoid excessive swearing and keep the chat civil.
  3. Spamming in chat is not allowed. Avoid splitting your sentences into multiple messages in public chats.

These are the rules which I broke in discord and I promise not to repeat such things again. I understand how disruptive and harmful my actions and keeping such a behaviour were, both for other players and myself on Discord. I will avoid engaging in unnecessary arguments and activities with other players and keep communication respectful on the server. I apologize for flooding some of the channels without any reason and not obeying staff action.
As I promised on my previous appeal, I have learnt the importance of being kind, having good morale ethics, good conduct, respecting players at all times. I appreciate being given a second chance and I will refrain from engaging in unnecessary conflicts, disrespecting other players & not obeying staff action. I promise to pay more heed to staff decisions, actions & respect their words too. I will ensure that I do not flood or spam the channels in any way like before.

Thank you for considering my appeal and providing me a second chance. I’m committed to showing real improvement in myself, my behavior and being more positive towards things happening around me in the community & staff action on the Discord server.

Dhrone123, dhrone

Thank you for your reply and for acknowledging the rules you violated. I appreciate your understanding of the impact your actions had on the community and your commitment to improving your behavior moving forward.

Like I mentioned previously, I do believe in second chances and after careful consideration, I have decided to trust you one last time to join back the server. I sincerely hope that you will honor your promises to maintain respectful communication and adhere to the server rules.

Here’s the server invite link: MythicMC
Welcome back, Dhrone123

Unbanned, Closed.