CONSOLE - Starting conflicts and acting like a victim right after - Dhrone123

In-game name: Dhrone123
Discord ID: dhrone
Ban Reason: Starting conflicts and acting like a victim right after - CONSOLE
Plead: Guilty
Reason for pleading: Request for unban and sincere, genuine utmost honest apology on my side.
Greetings Mythic Staff Team,
I would like to appeal for my poor behavior and childish actions and dramas I’ve caused here on the server.
To start off, I’ll speak maturely, and I recognize the fact that I am the root cause of the dramas that started, and I take responsibility for my actions.
I’ve taken some time and reflected on my personality, cooled down a bit and realized the person I was and have been for a while before making this appeal.
After reflecting on my actions, I realize that my behavior was inappropriate and not in line with the standards expected anywhere, not even publicly, I truly lacked basic social ethics on the server, and I take full responsibility for the things I’ve caused. There are certain invaluable aspects of life that extend beyond the confines of primary education which a person learns at school, such as respect towards others, empathy. No matter howsoever well-educated or wealthy a person becomes monetarily in life or how much ever he rises in life, without these rich cultural values, the person cannot be considered morally upright. This was indeed the case for me until I took some time to reflect on my actions and the person I had been. I agree that I’m the one who had lost control over my tongue while typing messages in the chat and disrupted the server’s peace. Reflecting myself a bit more on the past, I realize that my actions stemmed from a place of insecurity within me and frustration which built up in real life, but that does not excuse the harm I’ve caused, and offensive/deliberative words used to upset and annoy others.
After the incident ingame where I provoked Hunyo and the argument and dramas that followed to the message, I realized I had completely forgotten how to behave and show empathy to people. I’m extremely sorry to Hunyo for acting like a total idiot, rude and a Jerk with her. It’s all my fault and I had completely forgotten how to show decency. I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart to Hunyo for acting like a total jerk and frustrating her so much. I know I was being rude, disrespectful and blunt and I’m truly sorry for that.
Everything occurred gradually and steadily for years, that I never felt the issue is ever a part of my problem. I always considered the other person to be the issue here. Slowly with time, I only became blunter and more argumentative and never thought of my own words nor ever questioned it. I understand the fact that Astelon tried pointing out my mistake in game, about his disappointment in me that even after all this time, I would have changed or at the least been calmer while speaking. I was too frustrated and in anger to realize my mistake over here which ruined my ability to think logically as well. I only tried arguing back with hopes of causing anarchy and getting my way through everything I caused. I extend my apologies to Astelon and everyone else who may have been affected by my behavior all this time. I should have paid attention and more heed to their words while the staff warned me about what I said.
I acknowledge that I was misguided and lacked the maturity to handle disagreements and conflicts in a peaceful and friendly manner too. I’ve taken the time to understand my mistakes and the effects my words and actions had on the server’s community. As I move forward, I’m very certain to be a better person not only here but also in-person. I am completely aware it will take time and effort to rebuild the trust on me, that I’m not going to cause such issues again or act as a nuisance. I’m confident and willing to put in all the work to be a better person overall and improve myself as an individual too. I’m very sorry that I wasted the staff’s time ingame by continuing the topic further for extended periods of time without bothering to listen to their explanations. Please do not get Parth in further trouble for what I did too. I understand that my conduct has been perceived as playing the victim whilst I had started the drama, and the blame therefore indeed falls on me. I am grateful for Astelon’s attempt to guide me back on the right path, and I sincerely apologize for being ignorant of his words and his warnings given to me ingame too via Discord. If not for Astelon’s intervention, I would have continued doing what I always did, and this would also have a serious impact to my mindset in real life too. I’m prepared to overcome my past and have taken some time to reflect on my mistakes, learning it’s lesson and I’m confident I could contribute positively to the server in the future. I value being a part of the server and do not wish for things to get worse. I understand that even when disagreements arise, I should maintain respectful communication at all times as well. Additionally, I’m willing to submit a separate appeal for my Discord ban.
Thank you for your time with my appeal. Once again, I extend my apologizes for all the troubles I’ve caused all this time on the server and being ingrateful to the staff team for attempting to verbally warn me and correct me.

Thanking you,





You sure were right when you mentioned it’s been an issue for years, because you’ve collected quite a track record, to say so. And one could argue that, sure, it’s been years, people change, but this last conflict has shown that not much has changed, really. I’ll ask you this, do you really think you’re able to behave properly, stop starting conflicts with people and actually respect the rules of the server and the people in it?

And do answer in your own words.

I’ll keep the message straight forward, concise to your query. My message is fully structured and constructed by me.
I understand your concerns brought forward and I acknowledge the pattern of my behaviour was in a negative manner. This resulted in a negative impact on the server’s community due to my actions in-game and my own image being affected.
As I mentioned before too, I’m taking responsibility for the troubles I’ve caused. I understand my wrong doings, their impact over the server’s community and how they have carried on for years in my previous message. I realise the importance of maintaining my calm and not engaging in blatant arguments, dramas dedicated to demoralising, frustrating others. I will adhere to the server rules at all times as a normal member is expected to go along with, behaving in a respectful manner with decent social ethics at all times.
Once again, I sincerely apologise for the troubles I’ve caused on the server and I appreciate you providing me an opportunity to appeal for my extremely poor behaviour.
Thank you for your time.


To add on, once again I want to express my sincere apology for the behavior I’ve exhibited in game, and I intend to behave normally. I have reviewed the server rules too as expected and I do not intend to cause dramas, conflicts towards players for no reason at all or merely to frustrate them.

Hmm, very well. I hope you understand that if you keep showing that you’ve learnt nothing and still start arguments for the sake of arguing or break the rules somehow, you won’t be given another chance. Unbanned.