Chest boat can be placed in creative

Steps to reproduce the bug:

  • Step 1: Place water inside plot
  • Step 2: Right click on the water while holding any chest boat

Expected results: The boat will not be placed or the item in my inventory disappears
Actual results: The boat is placed
Which Minecraft server world (if applicable): Creative world
Additional notes: I did not expect it to go outside the plot and on the road. Now it is stuck next to my plot because I cannot break it.

I hope you can fix this problem and please remove the boat.

I have removed the boat from next to your plot, i will look into disabling boats in creative soon because they could be a potential lag source, not sure why they are enabled to begin with tbh

Noted, thank you.

As it would turn out, they were never added to the item blacklist when creative was updated to 1.20… They have now be added to the blacklist and should no longer be usable.

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