Can i make this my PUNISHMENT topic hmmm

My most surprising holiday was to Japan. Because I did not expect to see a Lepre-chan there!

(for Korea edition: Lepre-cha-un)

also another one:

I cant stand seeing insects, they “bug” me out.

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Have you heart about that french cheese factory that explode? there was nothing left but debrie.

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I want to tell y’all a joke about paper but meh, its tearable

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You can tune a guitar, but guess what you can’t tuna fish.

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How do Skeletons greet you in France?



What happens when you go to the bathroom in France?


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If a cow doesn’t produce milk is it a milk dud or an udder failure ?

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Im now getting a Boner cuz french skeletons are wayyy over 50°C

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