anyone have spare mending armor especially Leather legging?
Why though?
just for fun and i want cheap armor with mending
I dont think anyone would want to put mending on leather armor… Seems like a flex or pure stupidity lol
Loot chests. Nobody who knows about this is stupid enough for that lol
Idk mending leather armor could be found in chests… Never found one lol
They can be, yes. Treasure enchants can generate as chest loots’ enchants.
1.5 years ago, i see someone sell mending leather chestplate on /ah. i was kinda regret it to not buy it. it was MaryM or someone i forgot who sell that
Don’t you think buy new armor is just plain better?
idk, im feel like i want a cheap mending armor. i was in mending shortage before, and i want a mending leather armor for a collection too if someone still have it
and now, i want mending golden tools if anyone have it (its from loot chest).
Do you have mending books? I need some, if yes please do tell the price
I have some, 150k each tho