Barrier Block as Decorations

Description: Server could sell barrier block for use as deco (prevent vines growth, etc)

Why: Using string have its disadvantages like visible at certain distance, unintentionally broken without notice, etc

How: Staff could sell barrier blocks for example for 1k (or even 10k) each with condition its use is for decoration only without hampering player movement/other use beside decorations, placement with 1 block distance gap between barrier blocks, etc.


  • First point: increase decoration options for builders
  • Second point: more money sink for the economy


  • First: reduce market cost for strings (people will prefer barrier blocks, but this will depend on barrier price)
  • Second point: might hinder some structure building (for player) and needing staff to remove, also more work for staff
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Theres a lot of issues with giving players barriers…

Also structure void i better for the string example anyways…

There’s no way we can get barrier blocks free?

Why would you be given anything for free?

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You could use barrier for lava and also for waterfall (useful to shape the water etc) unlike string

I can already see the mass amount of requests people will submit because they placed down a barrier block in the wrong place…

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And we can add penalty for misplacement, like 10 times the original price

Easiest method to prevent misplacement is requiring player to use colored wool to mark the planned locations or colored terracota

or maybe add a “/” command like “/seebarriers” to see barriers :thinking:

(idk about coding and stuff so I’ve no idea how much work needed to do this XD)

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theres a mod to see barriers actually but…
I’m surprised you didn’t go right to the idea of having a player method to remove them godfather…

Also structurevoid is still a better option for your use cases…

Regardless, I don’t see us letting players get them anytime soon… kinda not vanillaish…

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