Ban Appeal - Name Change

In-game name: Shaon47
Discord ID: shaon47#5867
Ban Reason: name changed - Console
Plead: Innocent
Reason for pleading: Want to play again.
Apology: I changed my MC id name couple of years back, now it’s King_AuthurxX. Had no idea changing name will get me banned. Would like to play in the server again. Thank you.

Whenever you get a name change on the server, your old account is banned so no one can take your old name (we only allow one account per player as well). So, you don’t actually have a ban to appeal.

You should be able to login with the name Shanon47 still, which isn’t banned, only King_AuthurxX account is banned…
Are you looking to go back to using the old name of King_AuthurxX again instead?

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Yes, i want to go back using King_AurthurxX.

Name changed back.
If you’ve forgotten the password to it then you’ll want to make a password reset request separately.