/back problem

I died venturing the world. /back spawned me to a different place and not the place I died. I lost a lot of things. Can I get those back please?

Request: Can I please get my items back? I had a problem using /back. I died venturing the world at exactly 1:09am yesterday. /back did not restore me to my death location and rather it spawned me on a different place. I was not able to get my coords because I died suddenly. Please help me.

What happened: I died venturing the world. I just died normally on mobs. Upon respawning, I typed /back immediately. It then restored me to a place where I did not die. I lost a lot of things. Can I please get those back?
Coordinates (if applicable): I was not able to get my coords as I died instantly.
Who you suspect and why: N/A
Screenshots and evidence: N/A

Stop making more posts, we will get to it when we have time.

Okay sorry. Please forgive me.

Curious edge case. I thought it worked because the coords were the same, but /back tped you on the surface, above your death location. Odd. Well, I put your stuff in a chest at your /f home. Actually found it lying on the ground below where you died, which was convenient :P

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