[Auction] Frozen's DC of Enchanted Lv 30 Books #3

Items: One Double Chest of Level 30 Enchanted Books
Starting price: 20k
Minimum bid requirement: 1k
Buyout price: 100k
Duration time: 24 hours after last bid

I have the right to cancel the auction.

Note : The books are fresh out of the enchanting table, all level 30 enchants, none are tampered with before.

The enchants are as below :

Quick Charge II, Riptide III
Piercing III, Aqua Affinity
Unbreaking III
Smite IV
Knockback II
Quick Charge I
Multishot, Efficiency III
Efficiency III, Power III
Loyalty III
Protection III
Power IV
Fortune II
Unbreaking III
Protection III, Protection IV
Sharpness III, Impaling IV
Protection III
Feather Falling IV
Unbreaking III
Protection III
Lure II
Sweeping Edge III
Riptide III
Power IV
Power IV
Protection III, Power IV
Smite IV
Sweeping Edge III
Piercing IV, Riptide III
Protection III
Bane of Arthropods IV
Protection III
Aqua Affinity
Power IV
Sharpness III
Punch II
Loyalty III
Smite IV
Sharpness III
Protection III
Protection IV
Aqua Affinity, Sharpness III
Efficiency IV
Sharpness III
Unbreaking III, Sharpness III, Efficiency IV
Aqua Affinity
Sharpness III
Sharpness III
Protection III
Smite IV, Power IV, Infinity
Efficiency III
Fire Protection III
Power IV
Piercing IV, Fire Protection III
Efficiency IV, Fortune III

Thank you and happy bidding.

Uploaded proof of the books.

Enchants listed in the order of left to right, one row at a time.










41k there


46k again


It has been a little over 24 hours since the last bid.

Congratulations to the winner Zorioux !

The transaction will be carried out in-game soon.

Thanks for bidding! :cowboy_hat_face:

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