Auction for Polar Bear Head

Items: Polar Bear Head
Starting price: 75k
Minimum bid requirement:10k
Duration time: 5 Days
(Ends on Friday)

I have the right to cancel the auction.

85k* 10 characters

Can you put a ss of the head here too? I want to see what it look like

1 Like

125k sounds like a good price

I bid 126k (+ a peice of ancient debris(30k))

You can bid that way?

As long as it persuades the seller?

I am fine with it

160,69k :slight_smile:

If u mean 160.69k,minimum bid increment is 10k and deathlin’s bid is 156k

Sorry my bad 169k

Sold! to Thegreatwar_
Have a nice day!

Just curious how many poor polar bear souls does it takes to get it? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Probably a lot

Remind me if I win this

Zor, you do realize this auction is already over xD

Nvm I am drunk xD