Auction for Blocks of Quartz

Items: 4 Shulkers of Block of Quartz
Starting price: 4,000
Minimum bid requirement: 1,000
Duration time: 7d
(end on Friday)

I have the right to cancel the auction.

7000$ I bid (i am writing this for minimum requirement)


Smh 20 characters

16k I bid (i am writing this for minimum requirement)


Minimum 20 characters gae

30K minimum 20 fking characters :smiley:

34.5k sounds nice since it’s half of a nice number

i bet 36k cause it is 500 more than a nice number

I bet 36099

Minimum bid increment is 1k @Prakul

37k minimum requiremenntttttt

38k sounds good

39k sounds better

42k sounds the best ig

Nah bro,45k

48k sounds better

@MaryMiracle @DarkFury

The player @Prakul cannot bid as he is banned, and is not answering his his ban appeal, please ignore his bid!

Aight althia


52k sounds good

55k then ;v