[Auction] 15dcs of random bows/armor/swords from a darkroom/pigman farm

Items: 15dcs of random bows/armor/swords from a darkroom/pigman farm
Starting price: 1k
Minimum bid requirement: 1k
Buyout price: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Duration time: 7d

I do NOT reserve the right to cancel this auction


Q: does it come which shulkers
A: No

Q: why am i reading/bidding on this
A: i have no idea

Q: what are these items good for
A: nothing, unless your a hoarder. then they’re priceless.

Example of DC

No 2 isnt a good number, 3k

well ig @JackyWack wins the junk with 3k

LOL i forgot i bidded this auction

lmao well its yours now