Account Request for my Partner

Requested Account Name: PearlescentUni
Reason: Partner wants to play with me and have some time together.
All Users on IP:
FalariaPlays (Me)
PearlescentUni (Partner)
Galaxyplays77 (3rd person who may want to play later but not at this time)
pizza gamer 28 (3rd person’s brother, not likely to be interested in joining the server)

Hoping I did this right.
Thanks for your help in advance!

Each person who joins needs to create a forums account and create a request themselves (or reply here).

As we have to register the accounts manually and then message each person their temporary password separately…

Ahh, fair enough, thank you!

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So- just reply like this?

Yes, give me a moment and i’ll register an account for you and then privately message the temporary password to login with.

aight, thanks

Well yours is done, the other ones can create their own topics later if they join… since it’s uncertain if they will