World Edit Request

In-game name: Cortez442

1st Location:
First position coordinates: 335, 72, 16
Second position coordinates: 288, 30, 63

2nd Location:
First position coordinates: 372, 68, 80
Second position coordinates: 319, 30, 127

3rd Location:
First position coordinates: 335, 80, 191
Second position coordinates: 288, 30, 144

What to do? (clear, fill, move): fill down to level 30, with stones, if possible, these lands will be for future faction members.

Thank you!

Dealt with in-game. Have fun.

Next time, try not to put ,(comma) between the coordinate axes, so it’s easier for us to copy-paste and teleport to the location which saves us a lot of time.

Also you had a typo on 2nd location’s pos1, x axis was 272, instead of 372.