Both friends told me in game and I told them the result if they were lying would be further punishment for all 3 of you. While I’m not still entirely convinced due to the weirdness of some of this, I’ll consider it good enough for now.
I destroyed all of your items as punishment, and your also being left with a 7 day tempban so you have enough time to remove Xray and any other hacks or unfair advantages that may be uninstalled. Since you’ve read the rules fully now I expect you not to break anymore, doing so will get you back here again; and theres a high likelihood next time your not leaving here.
Use the 7 days to also have a conversation with your sister, I expect her to make an account request for her own account to use (instead of continuing to use yours) by the end of the 7 days. Her and your account activity will be monitored, and if hers doesn’t look right, and looks to possibly be the same person as you… Well the punishment for lying to staff is severe. If you aren’t lying you should have nothing to worry about, but if you are i’d suggest you drop it now.
She can read here on how to request an account here:
~ Unbanned ~